Miami I-395 signature bridge project



Alice Bravo played a pivotal role in the planning, community coordination, and project funding for the I-395 signature bridge project. As a key figure in the project’s initial stages, her leadership and expertise were instrumental in its development. The I-395/SR 836/I-95 Project is a collaborative effort between the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX). The construction encompasses State Road (SR) 836, commencing from NW 17 Avenue and extending through the SR 836/I-395/I-95 (Midtown) Interchange to the MacArthur Causeway Bridge. Additionally, I-95 is encompassed between NW 8 Street to NW 29 Street. With an estimated completion date in late 2027, the project is expected to incur a total cost of $840 million. While Alice Bravo is no longer employed at the firm, her significant contributions to spearhead this initiative will leave a lasting impact on the community and infrastructure of the region.

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